Sunday, December 30, 2007

Mediating the Media

The media have tremendous power. Television and movies, in particular, can make or break the weak and strong alike, as people believe what they see. Because of this power, one would assume that those who make decisions that can bring down presidents and unseat kings would do so responsibly. But this is not the case. Instead of acting in the interest of the people, the media only act in self interest. From top to bottom, from left to right, from entertainment to militainment, the media plays with our minds and rarely provides us with anything but watered down truth and outright lies.

Many have taken on the media in a big way. For instance, take a look at the video, Weapons of Mass Deception. While I'm not so ambitious (just don't have the time), I do have a pet peeve with the entertainment media that I want to write about: so-called "historical" drama and so-called "true" stories that have been doctored, fictionalized, and altered beyond reason. Believe me, the true story of Queen Elizabeth I is far more thrilling than the fictional movie of that name starring Cate Blanchett. It seems that no one wanted to bother with research. Or maybe it's just egotism.

Some might say it doesn't matter. Who cares what the truth is about a queen dead four hundred years? But the point of history is to learn from it. If we are fed nothing but lies, what can we learn? Of what use is it? And let's not even start on the erosion of logic in our children due to television programming and video games.

In any case, the enemy is disinformation, and we live in the tower of Babel. This is my small way of contributing to sanity, historical accuracy, and truth.
